Emergency Response Solutions

We fix urgent faults

Whether you’re a power generator, an end consumer, or a large-scale industrial customer, you need your electricity systems to operate reliably. Faults pose a threat to your power supply and can have significant consequences.

The Emergency Response Solution from Brugg Cables gives you the assurance of fast and efficient repair of urgent faults – anywhere in the world!

Brugg Cables is responsible for intervening if an emergency or crisis occurs as a result of grid problems or outages. We guarantee a quick response by our experts, followed by repairs and provision of the relevant spare parts as required.

Power distribution systems industry

Large and expansive areas, topography and weather conditions can turn faults and subsequent repairs into a real challenge for the operation of power distribution systems.

Fast reaction times are absolutely essential. With Emergency Response Solutions, the Brugg Cables experts can assist with repairing urgent faults. This individual response concept guarantees response times whilst ensuring the availability of spare parts.

Power station industry

The interruption of the energy supply is a serious event for the operators of power stations, both medially and financially.

Brugg Cables specialists are experts in repairing faults in your cable systems. Together with the on-site staff,  we check the cable systems, draw up Emergency Response concepts and ensure that the operational repair work is carried out.

Power plant - industrial power plant industry

Availability issues or even faults in complex industrial power plants can have serious consequences!

Brugg Cables is your partner for proactive management of cable system faults. Together with the on-site employees, we inspect plants, identify risk areas and draw up an individual Emergency Response concept on the basis of this information.