Spare Parts Services

Quality testing, rapid delivery of spare parts, and optimized inventory management

Important factors in the ongoing operation of cable systems are spare parts: their condition, suitability, and availability in the shortest possible time. The Brugg Cables Spare Part Services includes supplying spare parts, managing your spare parts (inventory management and availability), on-site inventory control (quality, standard, age) and, as required, assuming responsibility for spare part inventory and warehousing (Opex) on our customer’s behalf.

As our customer, you’ll benefit from ongoing and accurate stocktaking, assurance of defined volumes of spare parts to meet your needs, reduced inventory costs, and cost optimization in both warehousing and employee capacities (Opex).

This means that you can minimize the time needed to get back up and running following a fault or maintenance.

Power distribution systems industry

Spare parts management is an important key factor for power distribution systems.

Power distribution systems have particular requirements due to their large and expansive size, their accessibility and the condition of their components. Brugg Cables has been working for renowned network operators worldwide for decades.

Power station industry

Powerful and reliable high-voltage cable systems for the operation of power stations.

Cable system failure can endanger the ongoing operation of power stations. Brugg Cables reviews concepts for spare parts, derives recommendations from these and takes over the management of spare parts if required.

Power plant - industrial power plant industry

High-voltage cable systems are the “energy lifelines” of industrial power plants.

Disruptions are the worst-case scenario for every operations manager. A spare parts management system tailored to the location helps to assess potential risks and prepare for them in good time.